
Database Update - 3.2.0 -> 3.2.4

Sql update scripts are available to run against a previously active instance of the CluedIn databases. The scripts should be invoked against the databases using sqlcmd.

  1. Download the sql scripts
  2. Install sqlcmd locally
  3. Start a port-forward to your sql server instance e.g.
     > namespace=<namespace>
     > kubectl port-forward `kubectl get pods -n $namespace -o name | sed -n '/sqlserver/p'` 1433 -n $namespace
  4. Use sqlcmd to run each script
     > user=<username>
     > password=<password>
     > server=
     > sqlcmd -U $user -P $password -S $server -i <path to update script>

Dependencies Upgrade

Changes were introduced to TermAggregationQuery signature from

public TermAggregationQuery(string field, int maxResults = 50)


public TermAggregationQuery(string field, int maxResults = 50, IList<string> fields = null, int minCount = 1, string script = null, AggregationType aggregationType = AggregationType.Term, bool includeTermInAggregation = true, Dictionary<string, string> compositeAfterCursor = null)

In order to support the change in your custom Duplicate Queries, make sure CluedIn.* NuGet references are updated to 3.2.4 in your custom extension components as part of the upgrade process.