
Database Update

⚠ Apply Previous Updates ⚠

Before upgrading to version 3.2.5 you must apply the upgrade steps for each previous version of CluedIn between your currently installed version and 3.2.5, that has an upgrade script.

Previous upgrade scripts can be found at:

For example:

Upgrade to 3.2.5

Sql update scripts are available to run against a previously active instance of the CluedIn databases.

The scripts should be invoked against the databases using sqlcmd.

  1. Download the sql scripts
  2. Install sqlcmd locally
  3. Start a port-forward to your sql server instance e.g.
     > namespace=<namespace>
     > kubectl port-forward `kubectl get pods -n $namespace -o name | sed -n '/sqlserver/p'` 1433 -n $namespace
  4. Use sqlcmd to run each to run each DataStore.Db.* script
     > user=<username>
     > password=<password>
     > server=
     > sqlcmd -U $user -P $password -S $server -i <path to update script>
  5. Use sqlcmd to run MultiTenantRoleUpdate.sql
  6. Use sqlcmd to run AdditionalClaims.sql