Release Notes - v3.3.0


  • Enable engine room processing (Rabbit Queues) on docker-compose
  • Enable engine room statistics on docker-compose
  • Email support via smpt4dev (AB#1004)
  • Add flag to enable/disable Explain Log feature on UI
  • The public nuget feed is now configured by default
  • Configured additional paths for Sql Server database persistence - existing instances will be updated when the envioronment is restarted with down/up or stop/start


  • Fix environment paths could be calculated wrongly depending on working dir
  • Changed the default value of the CLUEDIN_AGENT_ENABLED setting from false to true in order to enable crawlers by default.
  • Fix config for grafana and prometheus end points.
  • Fix datasource dashboard
  • Fix listing of environment when calling cluedin.ps1 env
  • Prevent header information from writing to output