Working with Environments

To support different development and testing scenarios, multiple configurations of CluedIn can be configured at one time.

What is an Environment?

An environment is a folder that contains assets that are required to run an instance of CluedIn. While running, CluedIn may also persist data to the same folder. Example assets include:

  • A .env file with containing environment variables for CluedIn.
  • A packages folder that contains configuration for extensions and restored packages.
  • A data folder that contains data being persisted to disk for services.

All environments are stored under the env folder.

Creating a new Environment

Environments are created by providing a name and a default tag to use for CluedIn services. Running the following will create a new environment called 323 that uses the 3.2.3 tag for CluedIn services:

> .\cluedin.ps1 env 323 -Tag 3.2.3

| CluedIn - Manage Environment |
Setting 'CLUEDIN_ANNOTATION_TAG' in '323' environment
Setting 'CLUEDIN_CLEAN_TAG' in '323' environment
Setting 'CLUEDIN_DATASOURCE_TAG' in '323' environment
Setting 'CLUEDIN_GQL_TAG' in '323' environment
Setting 'CLUEDIN_INSTALLER_TAG' in '323' environment
Setting 'CLUEDIN_NEO4J_TAG' in '323' environment
Setting 'CLUEDIN_OPENREFINE_TAG' in '323' environment
Setting 'CLUEDIN_SERVER_TAG' in '323' environment
Setting 'CLUEDIN_SQLSERVER_TAG' in '323' environment
Setting 'CLUEDIN_SUBMITTER_TAG' in '323' environment
Setting 'CLUEDIN_UI_TAG' in '323' environment

How to use Environments

Every command for cluedin.ps1 (except version) accepts an optional -Env parameter which can be the name of an environment folder. It can be specified as the argument after the command:

> .\cluedin.ps1 up develop
> .\cluedin.ps1 open 324
> .\cluedin.ps1 createorg test -name Example

When running a command, if you do not specify an environment the default environment is used. You should try to work in a custom environment when ever possible!