
Identifies and clears data for an instance of CluedIn.

When an environment is started, one or more services may store data outside of the container so that it can be used for future scenarios. This command enables identification and removal of persisted data.

Get Details

data [[-Env] <string>] 

Displays information on the persisted data for an environment. e.g

> .\cluedin.ps1 data
Name          Size      Items
----          ----      -----
elasticsearch 0.49 MB      56
neo4j         0.91 MB      43
sqlserver     240.06 MB    32
Parameter Type Required Default Value Description
Env String false default The environment in which CluedIn will run.

Clear All

data [[-Env] <string>] -CleanAll 

Forces all persisted data for all services to be wiped from disk.

Parameter Type Required Default Value Description
Env String false default The environment in which CluedIn will run.
CleanAll Flag true False Clears all data for all services.

Clear Service(s)

data [[-Env] <string>] -Clean <string[]> 

Removes the persisted data for one or more services.

Parameter Type Required Default Value Description
Env String false default The environment in which CluedIn will run.
Clean String[] true   Specify one or more service names who’s data is to be cleared.