You can can now pass -DisableData when calling up to prevent writing to the environment data folder. This can improve performance for simple environments.
Allow to docker-compose.override.yml file to environment folder to extend docker service configuration (e.g. add an extra environment variable)
Move installer image to it’s own project. This enables the image to be retained to manage caches (AB#9661)
Improve packages -restore scenarios to reduce time taken to restore (AB#9661)
Add packages -restore -clearcache option to allow caches to be cleared when using local packages or when referencing floating package versions (AB#9661)
Ensure libpostal service is not pulled when replicas are set to zero
Report yellow status correctly for status command
Ensure CLUEDIN_SERVER_HOST is used for status checks when defined
Added environment variable CLUEDIN_MODELS_ENABLED to control model inclusion (AB#13715)