
Manage packages for a CluedIn instance.

The packages command controls the configuration and management of nuget packages to extend and enhance a CluedIn implementation. Packages can be added from public or private feeds and restored before starting an environment.

Any changes to the package or feeds list, will require a clean and restore to ensure the correct packages are available to the environment.


packages [[-Env] <string>] [-List] 

Displays the packages and versions that would be restored.

Parameter Type Required Default Value Description
Env String false default The environment in which CluedIn will run.
List Flag false False When set, will display the currently configured package details.


packages [[-Env] <string>] -Add <string> [-Version <string>] 

Adds a package to the package list.

Parameter Type Required Default Value Description
Env String false default The environment in which CluedIn will run.
Add String true   The name of a package to be added to the environment.
Version String false [string]::empty The version of the package to be added.
If not provided, the latest release version will be used.
May be configured with ‘-*'. This will cause the latest pre-release
of to be restored, or will be restored if it has been released.


packages [[-Env] <string>] -Remove <string> 

Removes a package from the package list.

Parameter Type Required Default Value Description
Env String false default The environment in which CluedIn will run.
Remove String true   The name of a package to remove from the environment.

Add Feed

packages [[-Env] <string>] -AddFeed <string> -Uri <string> [-User <string>] [-Pass <string>] [-Tag <string>] [-Pull] 

Adds a new package feed to the packages sources. The feed can be a public url or a local file path.

Parameter Type Required Default Value Description
Env String false default The environment in which CluedIn will run.
AddFeed String true   The name of a feed to be added to the feeds list.
Uri String true   The uri of the feed to be added.
User String false   The username for a feed if the feed requires authentication.
Pass String false   The password for a feed if the feed requires authentication.
Tag String false [string]::Empty When set, will use a specific version of the nuget-installer image.
Pull Flag false False When set, will force a docker pull of the nuget-installer image.

Remove Feed

packages [[-Env] <string>] -RemoveFeed <string> [-Tag <string>] [-Pull] 

Removes a feed from the package sources.

Parameter Type Required Default Value Description
Env String false default The environment in which CluedIn will run.
RemoveFeed String true   The name of a feed to be removed from the feeds list.
Tag String false [string]::Empty When set, will use a specific version of the nuget-installer image.
Pull Flag false False When set, will force a docker pull of the nuget-installer image.


packages [[-Env] <string>] -Clean 

Removes all restored packages from disk. Configured package versions and feeds are not removed.

Parameter Type Required Default Value Description
Env String false default The environment in which CluedIn will run.
Clean Flag true False When set, will remove all restored packages for the environment.


packages [[-Env] <string>] -Restore [-ClearCache] [-Tag <string>] [-Pull] 

Using the configured package sources and package versions, downloads and collates package libraries to disk so that the CluedIn environment can install them during startup.

Parameter Type Required Default Value Description
Env String false default The environment in which CluedIn will run.
Restore Flag true False When set, will restore packages for the environment.
ClearCache Flag false False When set, will clear caches. Should be used when restoring local packages
where the build number has not changed.
Tag String false [string]::Empty When set, will use a specific version of the nuget-installer image.
Pull Flag false False When set, will force a docker pull of the nuget-installer image.