
Creates and starts an instance of CluedIn.

If the containers for CluedIn do not exist, they will be created and started. If they do exist, they will be restarted.


up [[-Env] <string>] [-Tag <string>] [-TagOverride <string[]>] [-Disable <string[]>] [-Pull] [-DisableData] 
Parameter Type Required Default Value Description
Env String false default The environment in which CluedIn will run.
Tag String false   The CluedIn version tag to use for all services.
Defaults to the setting in the environment.
TagOverride String[] false @() The CluedIn version tag to use for specific services.
The names of services match those reported by docker when starting CluedIn
e.g. -tagoverride server=3.2.4-beta,sqlserver=3.2.4-beta
Defaults to the settings in the environment.
Disable String[] false   The services to disable during startup. This allows parts
of CluedIn to be hosted in docker, with other services hosted
locally or on a different network.
The names of services match those reported by docker when starting CluedIn
e.g. -disabler server,sqlserver
Pull Flag false False When set, the latest versions of images will be pulled first.
DisableData Flag false False When set, the data folder will not be used for reading/writing data.
All data will be persisted directly to the running docker image.